Beech Grove, Indiana
50 reviews
Jay Cloutier
The owners and staff are unequaled in product knowledge and charm. Newbys are treated with respect, not talked down to. The prices and selection are the best in town. Garrison is by far the best in AR and AK building knowledge, Michelle is the smartest and prettiest in NFA sales and Monica is still awesome. My safe is full of BGF guns. Oh yeah. Greg and Karen are OK too.
Brian Snoddy
Decent small family owned gun shop. Havent been back in quite awhile though since the range was never rebuilt after the fire they had. Very convenient for transfers also. Would have given 5 stars if the range still existed.
Agent Smith
This place is great! They have a great selection and decent prices. Since I have been going there for years I feel I am qualified to speak on this. IF you have a bad time there you brought it on yourself. If you come in with an attitude you will get an attitude. They own the place it is not a corporate store. Therefore they don't have to put up with your smack. Also do not forget that sometimes we all have a bad day. SO if you happen to go there and maybe someone isn't kissing your a$$ like you want ...just get over it. You probably have bad days too. If they tell you something that contradicts one of the thousands of so called 'Youtube' experts... it does not mean they are wrong. They just have a different opinion of how to handle whatever you are discussing. There are many other gun stores around town to go to and you CAN find faults with any of them. We live in a sensitive age where you can be offended by almost anything. I say go to this store you will not be disappointed. If you do not get the level of service your entitled a$$ thinks you should get don't go running your mouth. Give them another shot. If you continually go to this store and always get attitude take a look at how you approach them. There is not one rude person there in my opinion. If they tell you something you don't wanna hear it's not being rude. Take that whinny liberal attitude and buy your things elsewhere. This is a great place to visit. They have slow days and busy days. IF you come in on a busy day and once again they aren't rolling out the red carpet for your self entitled ego. It is because YOU are not the only person in there so you have to share the staff with other patrons. Patience is a virtue!
James marshall
Went in looking for a hi capacity glock 21 clip. Nobody had any?? I went in Beech Grove Firearms and they had a box full of them. Great prices also.
Justin Starks
I love this place!Everytime I enter the store I feel at home. Knowledgeable staff and great prices.Ive had two guns customized by Garrison so far and this young man is awesome at what he does!!!I will continue to buy from this place!!!Thank you all!!!