3 reviews

Paul's Metal Petals

marker Battle Lake, Minnesota


3 reviews
Carol Packard

It was meant to be!!! While shopping at Prairie Point Quilt Shop in Gering NE, the shop owner had a 'Sara' thread holder setting next to her machine. At first glance i thought it was a beautiful piece of metal art - but no, it was a thread holder!!!!!! After some conversation, she sold it to me!!!!! In addition to having one of my own, this is the perfect gift for the seamstress who already has everything! If they already own one, get them another they a wonderful work of art AND a thread holder that brings joy to your heart as you sew!!!!
Jean Johnson

I fell in love with these designs at the Fargo Street Fair 2018. It's now my favorite lawn decoration. Keep up the great work fellas.
Laurie Dean

I had seen your double dragonfly stake at the Backyard Nature Center in Wichita, KS late last summer and had made a mental note to go back in the spring and pick one up. But when my husband asked what I wanted for Christmas, I thought why not go ahead and get for one of my presents. So I was so glad that they still had one left. It will look so darling in a little garden area off my deck. I go to estate sales and collect stray/mismatched pieces of silverware myself, so I appreciate the way you have used them to create such cleaver and unique pieces of art.