29 reviews

French Camp Academy

marker French Camp, Mississippi


29 reviews
Brent Krick

I miss those extra licks(paddling) I used to have to gamble for.... 'Tails is 3 licks, heads is 5'. #onefineplace.......
Samantha Carter

Constance Pritchett

There were some good things here. Was mislead on front end about activities available for my 7th grader. Was told summer session attendees were allowed a week at the summer camp. This was false. Was told my child would be able to participate with radio station. Again false as it is for 9th grade or older. Was told he had opportunities to ride the horses. Never happened. Had extensive conversation with administrator and with house parent about challenges school would bring for my child. How traumatized my child had been by physical abuse and how a paddling would be very traumatizing for him. Was assured they had other forms of discipline and that would be a last resort. So as the challenges of school came to pass it took less than a month for them to paddle my child. He was freaked. The next minor thing they sent him back to be paddled again. Principle said he was getting a paddling every time he had to come in-for any discipline. The trauma of being hit was too much and he refused. Refusal to be hit is an immediate termination. Few other points to know is in my childs case house parents was really a man to oversee. Very little contact with the wife. They try to make it sound like a home, it is more like a dorm with an RA. My child was filthy when I went to visit. Hadnt washed his hair in 4 days or brushed his teeth in a week. When I addressed it with the house parent he said he couldnt assure me that he was clean or teeth were brushed. He had too many things on his plate. I assure you a parent would have never taken a filthy kid like that to church and into town as they did my child. You are only allowed 1 10 minute phone call per week. The kids cannot call you. My child was not aggressive toward anyone, no inappropriate behavior toward any other students, no drugs, cigarettes or any other type of contraband. His behavior as school started was exactly as I discussed before enrolling him. Rarely completed and handed in assignments. Tried to get out of doing the work he should do. Was assured they could help him. Im sorry to disagree, hitting a child who is already suffering from trauma of physical is not effective. The counselor we have been seeing told me he has had many students he works with go there and they kick kids out for the most insignificant reasons. This is true as I know of 3 besides my child who were shipped in the first few weeks. Good luck to all those seeking guidance and a good place for your child. French Academy May or May Not be the place.
Michael McCoy

hannah sanderson

I went to school here for 4 years it was amazing i still have lasting relationships with some of the staff i needed the love and support and they gave me that i will forever be greatful to fca