2 reviews

Perosi Firearms

marker Andes, New York


2 reviews
Matt Berlingieri

I have earned much respect for this local gun owner Mr. Perosi, what nice little setup he has in the ground floor of his house. Great selection of guns and ammo especially different types of rifles and shotguns for target shooting and hunting. Has about all the Ammo you can ask for and he can order just about anything you can practically think of. Very knowledgeable and friendly, and makes sure you know what you are getting before you buy it, will certainly set you up for success for being a safe, responsible gun owner. Highly recommend this Vietnam Army Veteran owned gun shop!!! God bless America, Semper Paratus!!!
Origin Vape

Courteous staff, tremendous expertise, and very responsive. Will walk you through everything there is to know and make sure you are a responsible gun owner.