50 reviews

Oxford Treatment Center, Etta

marker Etta, Mississippi


50 reviews
Michael Roach

Had great experience. The staff was accommodating and the therapists were very professional. NPs as well as doctors were great and I received great care from everyone involved.
tony pandiscio

Overall I had a great experience at Oxford in Etta. As far as treatment goes, you will get out of it what you put in. You cannot expect to get anything out of your treatment if you skip classes or complain about inconsequential things the whole time. You can really tell which staff care and who just see it as a job. Michael, Lisa, John, Hank, Jim, Brandon and Kirsten all went above and beyond as therapists and as moderators engaging the patients in their group sessions. The only negative about Brandon is that he thinks spaghetti is a side dish. Sorry Brandon, but it's a main dish! The majority of the nursing staff are also top notch. Leslie is an absolute rock star of a nurse! The TAs that really care are Paul, Stephanie, Dee, Ralph, Miranda and Brandon. These TAs always go above and beyond to ensure the happiness and safety of the patients. As far as transportation goes, I personally had experiences with Matthew and Heather. Both were phenomenal and managed their responsibilities impeccably. Matthew seems to know more and be more in control of the transportation than the director of transportation. I feel that he should have that position instead of whoever currently has it. Now the negative: I feel that most of the problems start at the top. There was a patient that tested positive for COVID and the staff was told not to say anything to the patients in order to not cause panic. This backfired because the news then got spread by rumors causing even more panic. There was a meeting the next day to address the COVID case where the director of nursing blatantly lied in front of and to the doctor, rolled her eyes and shook her head when patients voiced their concerns. It took a patient standing up and addressing the lies with facts for the doctor to realize that there is a lot that goes on that he is unaware of. The detox/quarantine patients were barely monitored and would regularly make their way across the lake or into the cafeteria where they were not supposed to be. Instead of handling this issue, the patients in residential were punished by having to stay on their side of the lake by 6pm and all vending machines were moved to detox/quarantine meaning there was no food or drink available for the residential patients after this time. The TAs were made aware of one patient having marijuana in their possession and selling it to other patients. This was handled and the person was given a warning. 2 days later different TAs,w were not named above, were made aware of the fact that the same person was in possession of other, more serious, drugs. The TA that was supposed to search this person's room went to the cabin, told the person that she was going to search the room, then walked out and commented to another patient that there was sh*t everywhere and it would take her all night to search. This TA, then went back and told the other TA on duty that the complaint did not come from a credible source. The TA really just didn't want to do her job because the information had come from multiple sources. The staff during the week is solid, but most of the staff on the weekends are lazy and clearly don't care about anything except doing the bare minimum to keep their job and collect a paycheck. Long story short, communication is a major issue, and just like any workplace, you have some stellar employees and some that need to move on to another job/career.
Elena Neumann

I hate reading all the negative comments posted about OTC. OTC is definitely a place of healing and the people there really care. OTC is very much a place where if you are truly ready to give all the mind altering substances up; you will see major personal growth. From art therapy to equine therapy all the therapists and staff were friendly and helpful. Special shout out to Deja and Breana who i got to know personally in my time spent in Etta. There are bad apples in every treatment center. it is again, who you choose to commingle with. i stayed around the older crowd and like minded individuals. we had therapy after the therapy and i made friendships that i carry with me to this day.the only negative i saw was the sometimes lack of communication between departments (example: between you, the business office, the case management office, etc). but that business office worked with me in a difficult situation. it was much appreciated. the med line was long at times; everyone has to get their meds so that was kind of expected. they give you what you need. and if they can't right at that moment, as long as you advocate for yourself, you will get it.their holistic approach to recovery was just what i needed to change my way of thinking. they challenged me to really examine my thinking and taught me life lessons you can't get anywhere else. the campus is beautiful and the horses are majestic AF! you walk everywhere, and that really helped to clear my mind. yes, there was weird smuggling of things (they try really hard to prevent this and take disciplinary action where necessary) and there was a lot of 'rehab romances' in formation. those who chose to participate in those weren't getting the most out of this program. they are not there for recovery as the #1 priority. i solely focused on myself and growing as an individual.the beds were comfy, rooms were spacious, food was decent for 'cafeteria food.' the chef always had a salad for me when i knew i couldnt eat what was on the menu.the therapists i had were open door policy; i could come and go when i needed to and that was essential in my recovery process. today marks 81 days of sobriety. i will never go back to that way of life and i owe OTC a huge thank you for helping me get to the place i'm in now.
Erica Morgan

This place does not know what's going on in there staff. They Are friendly but no one really knows what's going on.
Fred Doerrie

Horrible experience !!! I recommend that you look elsewhere for treatment, I speak from a position recently being a patient there / 6/19 discharge. The medical side was a straight up shi#@show, bordering on malpractice!!! Once they have you there (Mississippi) you are basically stuck, at that point you become a number, not a patient, its a numbers game!! I personally felt like cattle being herded out to pasture. For a private facility, the food was garbage.Ralph (Tech) & Ricky (Therapist) best staff there, thank you!!