5 reviews

Hamlin Police Department

marker Hamlin, Texas


5 reviews
Jenna T

I just watched them freaking MURDER a man!!!
The L.A. Show Real Estate TV

horrible group of people arresting a lady walking
Matt Christian

I do hope you are ashamed and embarrassed!!! Arresting someone for walking??? and charging them with 'driving without a license'??? I hope she sues the heck out your department!!!

I certainly hope that in the Wendy Robins case your department is investigated by an outside agency for corruption and civil rights abuses. The thing is, instead of doing what you know to be right and making a public apology by the Chief and at the very least disciplinary action against a clearly rogue officer, you will begin the cover-up of your actions, and continue the business of an 'Us against Them' department. Do you even understand the concept of alienating the very people that you are hired to serve? It's sad, my Grandfather, Father and two brothers were all Texas Lawmen and I would be ashamed of them if the ever treated another human being the way that you all have apparently been treating Ms. Robins. Something tells me that she would not be the only person to have something negative to say about your department in your community. Personally I think your community should begin shunning the officer and the Chief, it's been very effective for thousands of years.
Suzanne Bolwell

Unintelligent bullies. Not professional real police. Little boys playing at being real police. Arresting a citizen walking home with groceries because ' they were driving without a license ' how dumb is that. I hope your department gets sued.